Welcome to Messiah Lutheran Church!

You are welcome here at Messiah Lutheran Church, just as you are as you come through the door. You were awesomely and wonderfully made, in God’s image; God's love is manifest in you!

We are inclusive

We seek to welcome and include all people just as Jesus did. Through proclamation of the gospel, through worship and as servants of God working for healing and justice in the world, we uphold and seek to protect the dignity and human rights of all people. You are a beloved child of God, created in God's image and we want to celebrate that! We are a Reconciling in Christ Congregation, which means that we are intentional about welcoming and including LGBTQIA+ folks. No matter who you are, no matter your race, ethnicity, gender identity, political leanings, socioeconomic standing, or anything else, you belong here. 

We are inquisitive

We are a community that loves to learn on this journey of faith and so we are constantly seeking ways to put our faith in action and see how Jesus is active in our daily life experiences. Join us for a bible study or a theology class, or gather with us to learn about immigration, racial justice, or care for creation. And, let us know what you'd like to learn about!

We are imperfect

Our Lutheran heritage teaches us that in life we are both sinners and saints. But, more importantly, we are clothed in God's grace. Grace is a gift we cannot earn and it is always freely given to us because God is love. As a community, we always try to follow in Jesus' way but sometimes we mess up and sometimes we fall short. Our faith teaches us to confess our sin, learn to freely forgive, and remember that there's grace abundant for everyone and everything. 

We are Lutheran

Grace is at the essence of who we are as Lutherans. We are held in the loving arms of a God who always forgives and who always seeks relationship with us, and there is nothing that we have to do to earn that love. This is the good news of the gospel: you are loved because you are a beloved child of God. It is as simple as that! When we hear the good news preached from the gospels, we seek to share it with our neighbors near and far. Yet, Lutherans are sinners and saints. While we strive to always share the love of God, we often fail and turn in towards ourselves instead of to our neighbor. It is then that we seek confession and forgiveness, remembering our baptismal vows. This is the journey of our faith. It is a liberated, confident, and generous faith. It is a faith that allows us to doubt, ask questions, and to grow. We embark on it not alone, but as a community that shares the gospel, the sacraments, and the love of God with one another.

If this sounds good to you, you might be a Lutheran too!